Online Character Counter Free Tool.

Character Counter

Character Counter Online



Character Count Tool

Characters and word limits is a very common problem, which we face while filling online forms and many other platforms on the internet. To avoid passing any character limits we need to have a count check which let us know about how many characters, words, etc. are there in our text. For this we need “Character Count Tool” which solves our problem of not exceeding in characters or words limit.

About: “Character Count Tool” is an online tool which is free and very easy to use. It counts characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and spaces from the text you have entered in the text box.

How “Character Count Tool” work? You can type text in the given text box or you can copy and paste text in it. After typing or pasting text in text box click on the “Count Characters” button and it will give you output like:

Characters: 78

If you want to count counts characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and spaces for other text you can click on the “Clear Text” button.


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