Online HTML Color Generator

HTML Color Generator

HTML Color Generator


Using “Online HTML Color Generator” you can easily find HTML color codes for your website just by giving RBG values (Red, Blue, and Green).

What are color codes?

Color codes are simply a method of representing the colors in a format that a computer can interpret and display. These colors are mostly used in websites and other software applications.

Use of Online HTML Color Generator

There are 16,777,216 possibilities and modern browsers are supporting the full spectrum of 24-bit color. These color codes can change the color of the background, text, and tables on a web page and also give reference to exact colors in photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop.

How it works

Colors in HTML Color Generator can be generated by describing how much of each of the red, green, and blue is included. The color given is an RGB triplet (r, b, g ) value of each component that can vary from zero to a defined maximum value. If we set all the component’s values at the defined minimum value of zero (0) the result will be black and if all values are at the maximum value (255), the result is the brightest white.

How to use

Provide the value of RGB triplet by typing or selecting. The value range must be between 0 to 255. After giving all three values click on generate color button and will show the generated color including its color code. You can simply copy the color code and use it where you want to.



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